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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?
Yes, Bearded Dragons can eat spinach however it is one green that should be fed to Bearded Dragons sparingly due to the number of Oxalates that it contains. These Oxalates can bind up calcium and other beneficial trace minerals which can prevent calcium absorption. This can be serious for the life of your dragon as lack of calcium can cause MBD in Bearded Dragons and other reptiles.
Spinach is a delicious leafy green that has some incredible health benefits. It’s low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with vitamins A & K. However, Spinach is not the best choice for adding to your bearded dragons’ regular daily salad.
You should only give your Bearded Dragon spinach once a week at most to prevent health issues.
Bearded Dragon Diet: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?
Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they have a varied diet of both plant-based foods and meat. A healthy bearded dragon diet contains a variety of vegetables, fruits, and greens to keep your dragon happy and healthy.
Spinach belongs to the Chenopodiaceous family, which includes several leafy green vegetables that are very healthy.
The bearded dragon can eat spinach, but it must be fed in moderation when it comes to how much and in what quantity as reckless will pose a lot of danger for your pet. The reason is that spinach contains high levels of calcium oxalate and oxalic acid and is not suitable for dragons.
These substances make eating spinach very dangerous and can cause: Kidney failure, decreased appetite, lethargy, weight loss, dehydration, Seizure, and Death!
How often can bearded dragons eat spinach?
Although bearded dragons and spinach seem to be a perfect match, it’s essential to recognize this dragon’s food as a treat. Spinach is not only low in fat and high in vitamin A, but it also contains calcium, iron, and magnesium. It can serve as a substitute for leafy greens such as mustard or turnips that bearded dragons often prefer.
However, be careful not to feed your dragon too much spinach at once. Too many leaves may cause stomach problems and diarrhea or even a green beard!
How much spinach Can a bearded dragon eat?
An omnivore is a creature that eats both plant and animal material, which means that all kinds of food will be available to it. Bearded dragons are pretty active in the wild, running all day long and burning through their food.
Therefore, captive bearded dragons should be fed a diet of approximately 70% vegetables to 30% protein (of animal origin). A long list of vegetables can be found here, and a list of protein sources is available here.
Now, what about this spinach? You might have heard that bearded dragons like it, but it has no place in the proper diet for them. Is there anything to it?
Bearded Dragons should only have spinach once a month as it has high levels of oxalate which can be dangerous in large amounts for dragons.
Spinach Nutritional Value
Spinach is very nutritious; rich in beta-carotene, vitamin K, A, C, and B6, copper, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
It also contains high levels of calcium. This is not necessarily a bad thing; bearded dragons need calcium too. The problem with spinach is that it leaves the body quickly, making this an ineffective calcium source. However, it has an excellent reputation simply because of its calcium content.
Calcium isn’t the only thing bearded dragons need, though, and they will get plenty from other sources such as leafy greens and insects. Some extra calcium to help them grow might be necessary if you live in an area where it gets freezing, or your dragons are young, but it is generally not needed.
Better ways to give calcium!
There are better ways to give them the calcium they need than through spinach, so you should try to feed your dragon’s vegetables with more “stick” to them, such as collard greens.
In short, although it is a good source of some nutrients, spinach shouldn’t be fed too often because it lacks the protein, fat, and nutrients bearded dragons need.
Spanish – Oxalate!
Spinach also contains oxalates, which are substances known to cause urinary problems in some animals when eaten in excess. Discouragingly, the amount of spinach that constitutes an “excess” seems to vary from dragon to dragon.
Some dragons can eat it daily without getting too much oxalate, while others rarely need to be fed. Since urinary problems can make bearded dragons ill or even kill them, this is something you should keep in mind if you’re considering feeding your dragon spinach every day.
Some people like to feed their reptiles food high in calcium without worrying too much about other nutrients. If you’re one of these people and your dragons seem to like spinach, go ahead and feed it, and just don’t expect it to provide an appropriate amount of nutrition.
Best Diet for Bearded Dragons!
The average adult Bearded Dragon should be fed every day with the following diet:
- One serving of leafy greens (e.g., kale, spring greens, grapevine leaves)
- Two servings of vegetables (e.g., carrots, corn, beans)
- One serving of fruit (e.g., strawberries, blueberries)
- Two servings of live bugs (e.g., crickets, dubia Dubia roaches)
Other items can be fed occasionally, e.g., pollen substitute, sugar-free honey sticks, fortified bee pollen, carrot tops, etc. These are not considered necessary but will help to keep your Bearded Dragon healthy.
Never feed a wild-caught insect to your pet, as they are likely to have been exposed to pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to them! Some suggested live bugs: Crickets, Wax-worms, Phoenix Worms, Mealworms, Super-worms, White worms, Isopods, and King worms
Variety is vital when feeding bugs to your Beardies. Two or three different types of bugs per week will provide optimal nutrition for your pet.
Feeding live bugs can be fascinating, especially if you keep them yourself- but they must always be dusted with calcium and vitamin powder before being fed to your Beardie. The calcium powder contains the necessary nutrients that will keep their bones healthy and strong!
The golden rule!
Most Beardies will not eat very large prey items in one go; they may swallow it but then regurgitate it a few hours later or when they feel safe enough to do so without being noticed by their owner. This is quite normal, and the food should be left in the enclosure for 24 hours before being removed to avoid rotting and causing illness.
A good rule of thumb is that your Beardie should be able to swallow any prey item in one gulp comfortably. Anything bigger will be regurgitated; later, anything smaller will probably not provide enough nutrients for a healthy diet!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions:
What Veggies Can Bearded Dragons Eat Every Day?
Bearded Dragons can a variety of different veggies like kale, parsley, collard greens, dandelion greens, bell pepper, butternut squash, and more. In addition to these vegetables, Bearded Dragons can eat a small portion of fresh fruits here and there to supplement their diet. This will help provide your bearded dragon with a well-balanced diet.
Bearded Dragons should also be fed feed insects like superworms, crickets, dubia roaches, and other insects high in protein. These should be alongside the fresh salad.
What are Bearded Dragons Favorite Vegetables?
There are tons of different fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens that make the favorite vegetable list for Bearded Dragons. These include different types of squash like acorn or butternut, mixed greens, bell peppers, watermelon, dandelion greens, and flowers.
Mixing and matching your Bearded Dragon’s diet will help to give them the nutrients they need to be happy and healthy.
In Conclusion
Spinach isn’t the best choice for your Bearded Dragon so be sure to feed only in very small amounts and don’t feed it to them regularly. When it comes to feeding spinach to your Bearded Dragons, moderation is key.